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Children of the Cross

A Children's Apostolate of Prayer for Priests and Persecuted Christians

"Children of the Cross" is a Prayer Apostolate made up primarily of children dedicated to praying for priests and persecuted Christians. These little cenacles of prayerful Love  meet on the Frist Friday of the Month to pray the Chaplet of Mercy, one decade of the Rosary, the Chaplet of Sorrows (if time allows) and spontaneous prayer of the children for priests and persecuted Christians all over the world. The children are invited and encouraged to bring pictures with them to these prayer meetings of any priests and persecuted Christians/communities that they want to specifically include in the prayer.  These groups of children have 1000 members in Pakistan/Afghanistan, 1000 members in Nigeria, and hundreds of members throughout Africa especially including Ethiopia, Uganda and the Cameroon. We pray that this little, hidden Apostolate of childlike love may spread a perfume of grace throughout the world.

From Pope John Paul II's Letter to Children published December 13, 1994:

"...Jesus and his Mother often choose children and give them important tasks for the life of the Church and of humanity...The Redeemer of humanity seems to share with them his concern for others: for parents, for other boys and girls. He eagerly awaits their prayers. What enormous power the prayer of children has! This becomes a model for grown-ups themselves: praying with simple and complete trust means praying as children pray...

And here I come to an important point in this Letter: at the end of this Year of the Family, dear young friends, it is to your prayers that I want to entrust the problems of your own families, and of all the families in the world. And not only this: I also have other intentions to ask you to pray for. The Pope counts very much on your prayers. We must pray together and pray hard, that humanity, made up of billions of human beings, may become more and more the family of God and able to live in peace. At the beginning of this Letter I mentioned the unspeakable suffering which many children have experienced in this century, and which many of them are continuing to endure at this very moment. How many of them, even in these days, are becoming victims of the hatred which is raging in different parts of the world: in the Balkans, for example, and in some African countries. It was while I was thinking about these facts, which fill our hearts with pain, that I decided to ask you, dear boys and girls, to take upon yourselves the duty of praying for peace. You know this well: love and harmony build peace, hatred and violence destroy it. You instinctively turn away from hatred and are attracted by love: for this reason the Pope is certain that you will not refuse his request, but that you will join in his prayer for peace in the world with the same enthusiasm with which you pray for peace and harmony in your own families..."

Mary Kloska Speaks about Her Apostolate of 

'Children of the Cross'

(giving examples of children who were saints!)

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Children of the Cross in Nigeria with our chaplain Fr. Paul

Here are some pictures from the Pakistani Children's Prayer Group with a witness from the leader of this group:

"Greetings to you Mary...

I am very happy to share with you that we had a wonderful prayer session with “Cross of the Children” just now. It was an experience full of the Holy Spirit. Children prayed for all the persecuted Christians in Pakistan and throughout the world. Children also prayed for all the priests in the whole world and also in Pakistan.

We had a special short prayer for the nurses who were recently falsely accused of blasphemy and going through life threats. There were tears in the eyes of all children.

At the end I encouraged all the children to write thank you letters to God for all the priests who always do their best to give us direction.

Next time, I have asked them to bring pictures of the priests and persecuted Christians with them.

I am witnessing that our small room was full of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you to God and thanks to you for your motivation and blessings.

I am sharing a few pictures of today’s prayer session. And please use these pictures to spread our message of peace.

Note: I also need your continued prayers as I have started translating the book “In our Lady’s Shadow – Spirituality of Praying for Priests. I used a few references today from this book and from “Out of Darkness”.

And I am also praying that God may provide us with some funds so to have few more books on Holiness of Womanhood and some free books of “Out of Darkness”

Many people are asking for books but I feel sorry that I cannot give them free. May God provide us some assistance so I may give them as they are really in need.

Once again thanks God for all HE is doing for us. I also thank God for your life Mary. Thanks for being light and hope in our darkness and despair here in Pakistan.


May 21, 2021

The 'Children of the Cross' Prayer Groups are really spreading quickly in Pakistan to pray for priests and persecuted Christians. We still need $1050 to print copies of my book, 'In Our Lady's Shadow: the Spirituality of Praying for Priests' so that we can give them to the priests and catechists and adults leading these groups. We also need almost $600 for a similar work in Nigeria. Please pray for people to be generous. Please read these testimonies and follow this Gofundme link.

If you would like to be part of a Children of the Cross group to pray for these intentions please contact me. Those who live near me are invited to come pray with me the first Friday of the month at 3:30. Others are welcome to start a little group with their own children or children of your neighborhood. Please see this link or contact me for more information:


And please pray for my translator Aqif, who does all of this for free simply to spread the Gospel! He sent me the following letter. Be sure to read the captions of the pictures below:

"Greetings of the Lord and Our lady be with you!

I am very happy to share with you that we had a small thanksgiving prayer for these two books. We prayed for all those who have helped us through their prayer and of course funds. We had a special prayer for Dr. Sebastian who is always there to encourage us and available for our persecuted Christians in our country.

We had a special prayer for Mary Kloska, whose books have really given our people hope, love, understanding, dignity, peace and a source to know Jesus.


I have shared a few pictures with some writing about our Children of the Cross.

I have a plan through these groups I will engage with women groups, youth groups and other elders of the community. And then I will use these two books to quench their spiritual thirst and to provide them some peace, hope and love.

Priests in my place always thought that they are the one who can pray for others. But when I shared with priests about the idea that we have groups that will pray for them, they really appreciated it. Few of them were humble to acknowledge that they need people to pray for them.


I would like to share that in my place there is a gap between lay people and priests. So when I talked to the priests, they said that it’s our prayer that the book “In our Lady’s Shadow” will make connections with people and priests.


We also prayed in our groups that God may provide us to print this book. We need (money) to begin the printing. (The total is $1050.)

Our people are everyday suffering and going through emotional and physical pain. Many times they have nothing to eat. Children have no idea about God and why they should pray. They know nothing about Jesus. Most of them do not know about Mother Mary. These books are becoming the source to know why they should pray, gradually they are knowing who is God, who is Jesus.

Thank you for your books, for your wisdom, thanks God who is using your books in my country.


Children of the Cross Prayer Group in Nigeria:

Children of the Cross in Pakistan:

 Sunday, October 3, 2021

"...I have also shared a few pictures of Children of the Cross. Children of the Cross are really growing in number and spirituality. There are children of other religions as well. These children are praying faithfully and regularly. Thank God for your coming book on children formation. We are really in need of this book. It is sad that we lack material for children. But thank you to you...."

Dec 3, 2021 From Pakistan:


A group of Children of the Cross, just finished their rosary and devotion and shared their pictures. They meet every Friday to pray.

Today they, especially, prayed for all the projects. They prayed for Nigeria, Afghanistan, Mexico, Belize, Columbia, Central America and Pakistan. We believe that God will provide.

They are praying regularly for God’s providence. Teacher of this group shared that now children themselves are coming to pray. They are bringing new companions as well.

This time they have chosen priests and persecuted Christians to pray.

This is a bitter reality that sometimes, priests, in our place do not have good examples (role models). So these children and teachers have decided that without knowing them (priests) they will pray secretly for them. This time they did.

Yesterday, I also went to another place where I formed one more group of Children including two from other religions. I will be sharing about this soon.

Children of the Cross, Women Group, Mission work, New Conversions and this whole apostolate is growing well under the Holy Spirit.


There are few Sunday school children, but children of the cross is the first ministry here in which children gather only for prayers.

And groups with children of different religion never existed before. 

There are adult groups that work for interfaith harmony but they conduct meetings in big restaurants. but on ground no work.

These children are innocent and full of faith. 

Thank you to you, Mary,  who is the main reason of this all happening. And of course our Lady, Her son and Holy Spirit is always there.


December 5, 2021 -From Pakistan

"Children prayed for the soul of a man from Sri Lanka. We had a long prayer today for all the persecuted people throughout the world. This certain group of children had decided to go to the place to pray. So let’s see when this will be possible.

We had a special prayer for all the projects especially Central America, Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

As I shared with you about a new group. So I visited it today. I have written the names of the children and had a small prayer session. This new group also prayed for the persecuted people and all our projects. We have few muslim children in this group.

I am sharing the pictures of these both groups.

It is really amazing that the missionary (Joshua) is doing a lot of help. God is using him. He is totally changed after this mission.

I wish that God may continue to provide so that we can continue this mission work. We are also praying for the reprints here in Pakistan. It is really needed. Many miracles are happening. Your books are bringing positive change. I really believe children have power in their prayer.

Hope to listen, soon, more from Afghanistan.

It is really amazing and a true time of grace that even in this tough time, these groups are spreading peace, hope and light.

We have complete faith in the prayers of our children that God and Our Lady will provide for Central America and for other places as well.

This ministry is growing in number and love of God.

Blessings! "

March 2, 2022

ASH WEDNESDAY IN THE PERSECUTED CHURCH -A note from our prayer groups 'Children of the Cross' in Pakistan. In St. Pope John Paull II's Letter to Children he wrote that he entrusted the world's most difficult problems to the prayers of children -especially that of world peace. These children (whose lives are threatened themselves because of their Christian identity) spent today praying and fasting for the conversion of Russia and peace in the Ukraine. If only more adults would follow their lead!
Both the Catholics in Pakistan and those hiding in Afghanistan used reflections from my book 'Out of the Darkness' about the Interior Suffering of Christ for their Ash Wednesday services/meditations. If you haven't gotten your own copy of this -do it now! It will draw you so deep into the Heart of Jesus.

“Children of the Cross” had a very reflective and blessed Ash Wednesday today. This is surprising for me that all the teachers and small children fasted today especially for the conversion of Russian and peace in Ukraine. You will be happy and surprised to know that many people here ask me that they have a desire to go to Russia and say a Rosary there.
They had prepared charts and few children wrote prayer intentions on the pages.
I am going to share with these teachers and children the insightful stories and living experiences that you have written in “ A Heart Frozen in the Wilderness”. I am sure this will make them happy and motivate them to do more prayers.
I attended this prayer in a group near my home.
Teachers helped all the groups and had a reflection from “Out of the Darkness”.
Every year people go to churches on Ash Wednesday, but this year many teachers, parents and children acknowledge that now with this book “Out of the Darkness” they had a clear direction. I am using this book throughout the lent season to go into the depth of Jesus’ passion.
This ministry will be conducting many talks and workshops and we will be using this book.
I have also planned to continue “Holiness of Womanhood” with women and men.
This ministry is growing in my country and changing the lives of many.
...I am very happy that I got an email from Afghanistan... They used your book “Out of the Darkness” today for Ash Wednesday..."

Children of the Cross in Nigeria and Pakistan


March 24, 2022


As I shared with you, a teacher has sent me a few pictures of “Children of the Cross” rosary prayer. It was very dark and there was no electricity that time therefore, the pictures are not clear. She also sent many testimonies. I am sending you a few:

Shazia (A student): Shazia is the name of a small girl wearing black trouser and orange shirt in one of the pictures. She is not a Christian. But she has been attending this rosary prayer for the last couple of months. Now, according to the teacher, she is praying more faithfully than many other Christian children. Shazia herself has taken responsibility to call all children on Fridays for Rosary. She is not a Christian, yet she calls our lady her mother.

Farhat (teacher and leader of this center): This certain teacher said that ever since she has started this Rosary, God has blessed her and her whole family. She has experienced peace and unity in her family. She also admits that she has felt the presence of Our Lady in her house in a special way. She also acknowledged that “Holiness of womanhood” has proven life changing for her and her whole family.

Mary and Dr. Sebastian, I really personally feel that these groups of children are bringing change in our families and ultimately in our society. Of course this change is because of Our Lady, but our lady has used these children and teachers as a resource.

Mary, Yes, the small girl in orange is a Muslim girl. As I told you many Muslim children have become the part of our groups. Even few adult Muslims have converted to Christianity. But we are really afraid to open this to the people as it is really dangerous for our lives. But it is more dangerous for the lives of these Muslims who converted and even their families.

So we are quiet and doing it secretly. 

Lengthy lectures (sermons), big offers of money and many other attractions have not done what your books have done. Because people admit that they have experienced the Holy Spirit with your books. And I also believe that the prayers of the children have true power to convert others.

Come Holy Spirit,

Come Our Lady.

March 25, 2022

Greetings to you,

Hope you get this message in the best of your health.

I am sharing a few pictures and video clips about the newsletter you sent for Pakistan. I must acknowledge that all the teachers are very happy to read your message. I am sharing pictures and videos in which teachers and leaders are reading this message and preparing themselves to go to the different groups of “Children of the Cross”.

I translated this letter in Urdu. But there are few teachers who could read this in English as well. This small Newsletter has renewed the spiritual freshness of our teachers. Hope soon I will be sharing with you the pictures of big groups where this letter was read to the children. I will send you pictures as soon as I get them.

I also want to share that in one of the pictures you can see a small boy (about 4 or 5 years old), who broke his legs. He was climbing on the roof and slipped and, his both legs badly fractured. Please remember him in your prayers (his name is Wakas). He was crying and the teacher who was there to see him, told him not to cry because Mom Mary Kloska has sent a special message for you. When this small boy heard this message he was really feeling happy and forgot his pain. This boy cannot read well but he kept this letter under his pillow.

Thank you very much Mary for this letter. This means a lot to me and my ministry here.

December 18, 2022 -From Pakistan:

We have 800 children as part of our Children of the Cross prayer groups in Pakistan -these children meet weekly to pray for persecuted Christians, priests and other pro-life issues throughout the world. Its hard to get your mind around 800 children in prayer groups -and so that is why I like to share photos and stories from these groups so that everyone knows who I am asking prayers for and why we need financial support to continue to print books to teach and lead these groups.

Right now we desperately need $1400 to print 1000 more copies of my book, "Raising Children of the Cross" to continue to spread these groups throughout Pakistan and the Middle East. Could you be generous and help?

My translator tries to visit these groups as often as possible and give his own retreat reflections both to the children gathered to pray and the adults that lead these groups. This Christmas he met with this particular group and at the end the children came forward to make promises to lead lives according to the call of being part of the Children of the Cross. I will let Aqif explain these beautiful promises here:

"Greetings to you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady,

I have just finished a small retreat with one of the “Children of the Cross” groups. It was amazing to see these small kids doing meditation, prayers and songs. After the retreat these children, one by one, had an oath before God to remain committed to the vision of Children of the Cross. And our main vision is to pray for all persecuted Christians, for peace, light, justice, life and hope.

In the end I was able to share a few gifts with these deserving children. parents said, with joyful tears, that we are now knowing the true meaning of Christian life. Now we are understanding the purpose of Jesus' birth.

Children and their parents were grateful for this ministry and Mary Kloska. Mary, I was also able to share your life story and about your mission with these groups. Your mission stories really made them happy, excited and motivated.

Next week (probably on 21) I will have a retreat with one more group. I will also try to share a few small Christmas gifts with them. This is my target to have this kind of small prayer or retreat with these groups. I will try to cover them this month, as they are really big in number now. But I will try.

Then I will also have a retreat with leaders (teachers) as well.

Now with this ministry and books, children and parents are saying that now they have meaning and purpose to celebrate Christmas.

Need your continued prayers for upcoming retreats.

Come Holy Spirit.

Mary, I always encourage children and teachers to use exact passages from your book. Because these passages are very clear and true teaching.

So when they make a promise (a kind of oath) I prepare this promise like this:

I use chapter four “Children in Scripture”. All was created through the word. So every child says that God said “let there be------- (he announces his/her name loudly). Then the child continues, I am created in my mother’s womb, came to be through the Word of God, and came to be through Jesus. Then they make their own promise according to their situation.

Like last night one young boy made a promise that made me happy and cry.

He said, “God said let there be Naveed (Naveed is his name), I am created in my mother’s womb, came to be through the word of God and came to be through Jesus. And I promise that when I grow up I will never beat my sister, wife and daughter."

I almost cried. Because he has seen his father always beating his mother and sisters.

Now you can imagine how this book (and other books) is touching and changing children’s and adults' lives.

Then I always refer to the teachers chapter seven “Spiritual direction for Children” and use your passage, “what you learn as child stays with you forever”. So always encourage and insist teachers that it is important to teach children the habit of prayer.

I use different passages from this book (and other books) according to the situation."

To donate please contact me personally to arrange sending a check to our Fiat Foundation, through paypal (friends and family) or venmo or you can easily click this link here: Go Fund Me.

An American Group of Children of the Cross:

© 2020 by Mary Elizabeth Kloska, Fiat

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